Friday, August 31, 2012

News, Sadness, Bastion, and Talk Shows!

What do they all have in common? ME! First, I have a news update, I posted it with my Late Night with Fidel video here:

And bastion, and not many people view that, so idk if I will finish it...

now for Sad news, I am in college, so my videos will be less and less consistant..... Sorry!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Uploaded new Torchlight Video!

Sorry, i have been quite busy these last three days, and my life is starting to get backed up again. I've wheeled back on the hours i can work at my job for now, I am starting college this thursday, I am halfway through Darksiders 1, and I am planning on getting darksiders 2 soon. I also picked up a copy of Condemned at the local video store, hoping to shit my pants before I close my eyes every night.

I am now planning these Co-op LPs with others, and hoping they take off soon. I don't know if I can do serious games just yet, because my internet. I MIGHT consider finding a more reliable Internet connection. And even better though happened, what if I use my old windows vista.... hmmm I have to go think.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Broke the 1k barrier

WOOOOOOHOOOOO Broke 1k I am so happy! That many views is great! I've joined Reddit, and Steam so I am hoping to do some Co-ops with some other people. I also did a mini LP of Torchlight.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Found something in my closet.....

Title: Gore House Greats Collection

Movie Collection

Looks like I know what I'm doing tonight..... xD

Anyway I would recommend this to anyone who loves to laugh at cheesy but good horror films. 
I'm gonna drop the blog for today guys. Peace out!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Bastion video semi saved

I had to clip out a large section of audio out which limits the amount of talking I did. It was very tiresome, and I got the best quality that I could, now comes the hard part: uploading the damn thing.

So now I leave to go shop for a eHHD

I have failed

I had to work late and I normally try to get things posted before midnight and obviously I have not. I have let you all down and I'm sorry lol.

Oh well. XD, I have a few days off soon so I'll get the videos online in no-time!

Friday, August 3, 2012

My plans for this weekend


So I am going to try and get my Bastion, and Serious Sam videos uploaded, it takes FRIGGIN FOREVER! My internet sucks, I would gladly be up to one video or two a day if my internet was amazing. I am also worried about my recorder, its running into a ton of problems, so now I have to find a new recorder to last me until I can save up enough cash for my NEW COMPUTER! I am so EXCITED, finnaly a graphics card i can be proud of...

trying to generate love for this series>>
Any who have a great day!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

How to become an amazing artist!

1. Find a nice photo online
2. Print photo
3. Frame photo
4. Get laid for being artist
5. Profit

Newest humble thing that is in a bundle

The people from the humble indie bundle came out with a new thing called The Humble Music Bundle. I bought it solely on the donating for charity, because who pays for music now a days? Any way I figured one I bought it why not download it? Figured the only one I would like would be Jonathan coultan ( the man who wrote the portal songs).

This was actually a really, really nice buy. It comes with 5 CDs and each have about 11-19 songs, which is an amazing plus. Jonathan Coultans album was amazing and I am slowly starting to love MCFrontalot. Which that name sounds ironically stupid, which is the point.

So if you are wondering if you wanna pay that much for 5 CDs, just do it for charity and indie music you ass.