Monday, April 2, 2012

Whoops, Minor setback and a new found

So, I went out and made a GREAT first video, but I talked to much and drug it out to a half hour. The bad thing is, I can only make a 10 minute video max on youtube. So I'm remaking the video tomorrow. I think I'll go ahead and add a new segment to the blog which is Movie and game reviews.

First Movie Review

Wrath of the Titans

Meh, it was okay. Plot was dull, the same rewashed action movie plot, we all have heard over and over. Normal guy, bad problem, reluctant to solve it, forced to solve it, finds a female love interest, ACTION ACTION ACTION!! ect ect

I can only find one or two appealing parts to this movie:
  1. Great visual affects
  2. I love the scene where Zeus and Hades are walking like two badasses through the battlefield tossing these undead zombie creatures in the air, and killing them
The acting in the movie was not half bad. I only had one major problem with this movie,  the lack of variety with the characters. It is wrath of the Titans  , plural the movie only showed Chronos, as the main bad guy. None of the others, but the small number of characters doesn't stop there, only 4 gods, and 3 demigods. Now this is a huge plot hole, lets just think, a vast world, and only 3 people are called to stop the end. Where are all the other demigods.

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