Tuesday, September 18, 2012

MrFidelmios V. Reddit

So upon the spark of curiosity, and the prodding of a friend I joined reddit. I figured here was a GREAT place to show my experience and I will have no holding back on what happened. This was a side note journal I kept to show you guys how my Reddit life went.

Day 1: Odd layout, confusing, impossible to find help page, impossible to navigate, rules page hidden.

Day 2:  Finding topics, and exploring. Found r/Gaming, turned off the comp early, didn't want to spoil the fun, wanted stuff to explore!

Day 3: Finding more and more topics, I LOVE THIS SITE!! 

Day 4: First Posting...

Day 5: First couple comments, made a few friends, and a few haters

Day 6:  Post got 5 downvotes, but why? 
I'm going to stop for a second a talk a bit about Reddit's Karma system. One can either up, or downvote a post, link, thread, comment ect. The overall number of number of up and downs are calculated and plopped on your user profile. This would be good, but it shows ANY post you've ever made, and since someone decided the best thing to do was allow someone to be able to downvote any thing without reading the actual post. So for example, I made a posting that hurt a hater, he downvotes 10 comments, I look like the jackass who has a -10 karma.

Day 7: Rest
(Cutting to weeks for benefit)

Week 2: My friend warns me about /r/Aethism. Obviously I must see what he is hiding from me. Let me say this: /r/Aethism is the largest bunch of people who enjoy bitching and being asses I have ever seen in my life. I do not know why, but the best thing they have to do is just complain about God, and show how science explains everything, and how people who complain about God are nothing more than ignorant fucks. Now I will say this: I believe in God, but I do not dare to question what is science and what is God. Now I am NOT closed minded, I welcome all scientific debates, and all arguments, but still they just..... they just complain about everything! (/rant)

Week 3: Posting In Aethism topic is not doing so hot, so far -3 downvotes. The topic was "Removing In God We Trust, from the US Currency." I said "Why? It's part of our history....". Of corse this was a kiss of death in Aethism. I got hated, and downvoted.  /r/Gaming getting old, and immature, wanting a different group of peers to talk to. I find /r/TrueGaming. They are a group to talk about games, abit more mature, and pretty funny. At least that was my first impression. /r/gaming is FILLED with Fallout Logics....

Week 4: Find /r/Slender, /r/nosleep, and /r/horror. Most stories are not scary, I laughed, but I liked the change of appearance. This week was the deciding week, if you will. I got my best grasp on the feel of how the groups were laid out. The only things I am seeing are Portal 2 Cakes, things I build because I'm a gamer, Greenlight, and Kickstarters. /r/Gaming is sad now, the immaturity is more frequent than I was led on to think, I was tricked by my friend! This place SUCKS. I find I am being forced to check my mail, and karma every hour! The more smart assey I am, the smaller my karma gets, but the jokes I say, are directed for no one in general. Than I hit the karma gold mine, I said "Personally, I get all the bitches with Link." 30 upvotes. DAFAQ?

Week 5: I am fed up with Reddit, if I go against the popular flow, introduce a new idea, I am shot down before I can make an intelligent statement. My Karma is at a standstill, at 41. I make a posting in both Gaming and TrueGaming. I ask them to generalize their complaints with the gaming industry, the responses I got were awful, people hated me asking an open ended question! How dare I ask a question to gamers, my fault, guess I'm not allowed to discuss games in a gaming forum! I was appalled! I decided the best thing to do was apologize, and slink back to my safety of /r/WTF and put my head between my knees and cry.

Total Anlaysis is still in progress, maybe I will find something to make me stay.

Current Analysis: Unorganized, slow, ad filled website. Many popular subreddits are filled with children, or people with trolling decent. While reddit can be used as a quick news soucre, many of the people on the site swim in the same direction, and attack anything that swims another way. The popular stuff gets upvoted, new stuff, downvoted, dirty/racist stuff upvoted, smart stuff downvoted, long stuff downvoted. Hey, I met some new people, and got a few subs out of it! :D

Subreddits to avoid: TrueGaming, Gaming, Aethism, Politics, Funny, and gamingsuggestions.

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